Wuthering Waves Game Guide

In the Tower of Adversity, your skills are put to trial. Complete the specific challenge goals to earn your Crests. Collect enough Crests to earn hefty rewards.

Zones and Floors
The Tower of Adversity features four Zones: Stable Zone, Experiment Zone, Hazard Zone, and Overdrive Zone. Each Zone contains one to three Towers and each Tower has multiple Floors, each representing a unique challenge. Progress through the challenges to unlock new Towers and Zones. Clearing all challenges in a Zone unlocks the next Zone.

In the Tower of Adversity, clearing a challenge reduces participating Resonators' Vigor by a specific amount. Once a Resonator's Vigor is depleted, they can no longer take part in new challenges. Vigor does not restore over time, but you can use the [Reset] option on a Floor to recover the Vigor.

Area Effect
In the Tower of Adversity, environmental effects affect your combat tactics. Use them strategically to gain an advantage.

Trial Phase
Crest Rewards in the Stable Zone, Experiment Zone, and Overdrive Zone can be claimed only once. However, the challenges in the Hazard Zone are periodically reset, along with your progression, bringing in new enemies, challenge goals, Area Effects, and rewards. Take on the challenges again to earn Crests and claim fresh rewards.

Complete the challenges and meet their challenge goals to obtain Crests. Collect a certain number of Crests to get various rewards, including Astrites and Hazard Records. Hazard Records can be exchanged for Phantom Echoes, Premium Tuners, and more at the Adversity Exchange.