










Brant Ascension Materials

- Max Level: 90
  • Blazing Bone
    Blazing Bone
  • Golden Fleece
    Golden Fleece
  • FF Tidal Residuum
    FF Tidal Residuum
  • Shell Credit
    Shell Credit
Crit. RateCrit. Rate
Crit. DMGCrit. DMG
Energy RegenEnergy Regen
Max Resonance Energy


Brant in Wuthering Waves is a 5 Stars Fusion character who wields a Sword as their weapon type.

Brant, the captain of Rinascita's Troupe of Fools, is a free spirit and romantic. Unpredictable and full of life, he is the beating heart of the troupe. On stage, he slips into countless roles, donning new masks to breathe life into every story. Yet beyond the spotlight, he is unwaveringly genuine, offering nothing but true sincerity to those around him.

Brant Build

Brant Build was made using our build planner

Brant Skills

Captain's Rhapsody

Captain's Rhapsody

— Normal Attack

Basic Attack Perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Fusion DMG.
Heavy Attack Consume STA to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG.
Heavy Attack - Rhapsodic Riff Consume STA to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG. - After performing Basic Attack Stage 2 or Stage 4, hold Normal Attack to perform Heavy Attack - Rhapsodic Riff. - After performing Mid-air Attack Stage 4, Normal Attack to perform Heavy Attack - Rhapsodic Riff.
Mid-air Attack Perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Fusion DMG. Normal Attack following Mid-air Attack Stage 1 or Stage 2 to swing to the target with Grapple. Brant will attack the target if he reaches them with the swing. Release while in action to flip backward after the attack hits; or hold Normal Attack to attack the target continuously and flip backward after the finishing move. Brant flips backward automatically after Mid-air Attack Stage 3. Normal Attack after each flip to perform the next stage of Mid-air Attack. Flip resets Mid-air Dodge attempts. - If Brant fails to reach the target with the Grapple swing of Mid-air Attack Stage 1, he instead performs a slash forward, dealing Fusion DMG. - If Brant reaches the target with the Grapple swing of Mid-air Attack Stage 1 or Stage 2 but the attack fails to hit the target, he will drop down after a temporary suspension in mid-air.
Dodge Counter Normal Attack right after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG.

Anchors Aweigh!

Anchors Aweigh!

— Resonance Skill

Brant launches himself into the air and blasts all targets in an area, dealing Fusion DMG. While in mid-air, if Bravo is not full, Resonance Skill Anchors Aweigh! is replaced with Plunging Attack.
Plunging Attack Plunge at the target at the cost of STA, dealing Fusion DMG, which is considered Basic Attack DMG. - If Brant fails to reach the target with the Grapple swing of Mid-air Attack Stage 1, he instead performs a slash forward. Afterward, Normal Attack to perform Plunging Attack. - If Brant reaches the target with the Grapple swing of Mid-air Attack Stage 1 or Stage 2 but the attack fails to hit the target, Normal Attack to perform Plunging Attack during the suspension.

To the Horizon

To the Horizon

— Resonance Liberation

Deal Fusion DMG to targets within the range and heal all nearby Resonators in the team before entering the Aflame state. Can be cast in mid-air.
Aflame The efficiency of gaining Bravo is increased by 100% when Normal Attack or Resonance Skill Anchors Aweigh! hits the target. Meanwhile, Forte Circuit Theatrical Moment is replaced by "My" Moment.
"My" Moment Brant gains additional ATK based on his Energy Regen: For every 1% of his Energy Regen over 150%, Brant gains additional 20 points of ATK, up to 2600.

Ocean Odyssey

Ocean Odyssey

— Forte Circuit

Theatrical Moment Brant gains additional ATK based on his Energy Regen: For every 1% of his Energy Regen over 150%, Brant gains additional 12 points of ATK, up to 1560.
Waves of Acclaims Heal all nearby Resonators in the team when Bravo reaches 25, 50, 75, and 100.
Returned from Ashes When Bravo is full, replace Resonance Skill Anchor Aweigh! with Returned from Ashes. Consume all Bravo to perform Returned from Ashes, dealing Fusion DMG, considered Basic Attack DMG, and generate a shield. Casting this skill when in Aflame ends this state after Returned from Ashes ends.
Bravo Brant can hold up to 100 Bravo. - Obtain Bravo when Normal Attacks hit the target. - Obtain Bravo when Intro Skill hits the target. - Obtain Bravo when Resonance Skill hits the target.

Brant Intro/Outro Skills

Applaud for Me!

Applaud for Me!

— Intro Skill

Attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG, and gain Interlude Applause effect.
Interlude Applause The next Mid-air Attack begins at Stage 2. This effect ends when Brant lands early or is switched out.

The Course is Set!

The Course is Set!

— Outro Skill

Ampify the incoming Resonator's Fusion DMG by 20% and Resonance Skill DMG by 25% for 14s or until the Resonator is switched out.

Brant Passive Skills

Voyager's Blaze

Voyager's Blaze

Healing provided by Waves of Acclaims is increased by 20%.

Trial by Fire and Tide

Trial by Fire and Tide

Brant's resistance to interruption is increased during Mid-air Attacks and gains 15% Fusion DMG Bonus.

Brant Resonance Chain

By Currents and Winds #undefined

By Currents and Winds

Returned from Ashes temporarily causes nearby targets to stagnate while casting. The stagnation effect is removed when Brant is switched off the field. After casting Intro Skill Applaud for Me! or each flip following Mid-air Attack, Brant's DMG dealt is increased by 20% for 5s, stacking up to 3 times.
For Smiles and Cheers #undefined

For Smiles and Cheers

Casting Mid-air Attack and Returned from Ashes increases Brant's Crit. Rate by 30%. Brant's Outro Skill The Course is Set! gains a new enhancement: When Resonance Skill cast by the incoming Resonator (or nearby Resonators who activate Brant's Outro Skill) hits a target within 20s after Brant's Outro Skill, Brant blasts the hit target, dealing Fusion DMG equal to 440% of Brant's ATK (considered Basic Attack DMG). This explosion can be triggered 1 {Cus:Sap,S=time P=times SapTag=3} per second, up to 2 explosions in total. - This effect remains active when Brant is switched off the field.
Through Storms I Sail #undefined

Through Storms I Sail

The DMG Multiplier of Returned from Ashes is increased by 42%.
To Freedom I Sing #undefined

To Freedom I Sing

The Shield obtained from Returned from Ashes is increased by 20%. Casting Returned from Ashes restores HP for all nearby Resonators in the team (6.60 HP for every 1% Energy Regen).
All the World's an Actor's Stage #undefined

All the World's an Actor's Stage

Dealing Basic Attack DMG gives Brant 15% Basic Attack DMG Bonus for 10s.
All the World's a Captain's Carnevale #undefined

All the World's a Captain's Carnevale

Mid-air Attack's DMG Multiplier is increased by 30%. Casting Returned from Ashes causes a secondary blast, dealing Fusion DMG equal to 30% of the DMG dealt by Returned from Ashes, considered Basic Attack DMG.

Brant Background

[Troupe Medic Benir's Notes (Unnumbered)]

I still recall that night as if it were yesterday. My first real trial after joining the troupe. Storm clouds blanketed the sea, and rain pounded down in sheets while monstrous waves threatened to capsize our ship at any moment. We were tossed about like driftwood, the helmswoman lost in the chaos, the ship spinning through the tempest. I huddled in the cabin, trembling as fear seeped through me.

Then I saw him.

There, atop the mast, stood the captain. The Tacet Mark on his chest shone like St. Elmo's Fire, a beacon showing us the way.

"Steady now, my friends!" I heard his voice cut through the howling wind, "Follow my command! Hard to starboard!"

The crew rallied at once, the disarray falling away as they returned to their posts with newfound focus. I quickly jotted down in my notes: While I lack the tools to confirm it, I am certain of one thing—Captain Brant is a Natural Resonator. The flames he conjures can light our way, even in the darkest of seas!

Interestingly, I often catch Captain Brant spinning in the air during combat. Is it a trick to sharpen his sense of direction, or his secret to navigating the seas? I do hope someone finds the courage to ask him. I'm dying to know!

[The Troupe of Fools "Revel in Freedom" Tour - Ragunna Stop Application]


Lead Performer: Brant

The subject's waveform graph shows elliptical fluctuations. The Time Domain pattern is regular, and no signs of abnormal fluctuations are observed. The test results fall within the normal phase range.

Resonant Criticality: High. This test subject displays high stability with a low risk of Overclocking.

Records indicate no history of Overclocking.


Approval Verdict: Stable. The Troupe of Fools' application is approved. They will assume full responsibility for any unforeseen incidents during the performance.

Note from a certain captain: Mark my words, not a thing will go awry!